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Division One Flotilla Goals

 Flotilla 1-1

  • Complete mission reports on a timely basis.
  • Complete the requirements for the Distinguished Flotilla of the Year Award.

 Flotilla 1-2

  • Complete the requirements for the Distinguished Flotilla of the Year Award and the Commodore's Streamer.
  • Each member will select an area (or areas) in each award and commit to completing, for example, a number of hours of PA, Instruction, Operations or a number of VSCs. 

Flotilla 1-4

  • Ensure the expectations of each unit member are being met by the Coast Guard Auxiliary and its staff officers at every level.
  • Work towards achieving both the Distinguished Flotilla of the Year Award and the Commodore’s Streamer.
  • Increase internet presence and electronic marketing efforts to attract new members from throughout the Denver Metro area.
  • Realize a net increase in membership by at least 10%.
  • Compete for NACO's Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity Management.
  • Qualify one or more members as a Coxswain.Qualify one or more members as Crew.
  • Qualify one or more members as an Instructor.
  • Qualify one or more members in each of the VE and PV programs.
  • Increase focus on Marine Environmental Protection and Safety.
  • Continue a strong Public Affairs presence for the Denver Boat Show, Scout Show, NSBW, National Get Outdoors Day, and the University of Scouting.

 Flotilla 1-6

  • Teach SS&S and other Auxiliary courses in conjunction with The New Anchorage and Island Lake Marine.
  • Continue working relation with Boyd Lake State Park teaching Boating Safely classes.
  • Participate as instructors and students at Wyoming SAR conference/training.
  • Continue participation in Wyoming Hunting and Fishing Heritage Expo. (Coastie)
  • Qualify Wyoming members as Vessel Examiners.
  • Take lead on Colorado RV and Boat show exhibit. (Coastie)
  • Qualify a facility.
  • Expand Wyoming detachment membership.
  • Continue qualifying crew members and coxswains.
  • Provide first responder training to flotilla in conjunction with Red Cross.
  • Conduct successful fundraising efforts. (vests, Auxiliary classes)

Flotilla 1-10

  • Increase membership
  • VEs this summer
  • Complete successful Safe Boating Week exhibit at Grand Junction Cabelas
  • Complete safe boating classes